The Korean Society of Pesticide Science

Editorial Board

The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science - Vol. 27 , No. 2
1. p. 65 Survey Analysis about Prescription for Pest and Disease Management by Pesticide Seller
Deok Ho Kwon, Gi Ryeol Yu, Se Jin Lee, Jae Su Kim, Yul Kyun Ahn, Gue Hyon Hong, Young Hee Lee

4. p. 93 Acute Toxicity of Natural Herbicidal Substance KR-0008 Broth Filtrate to Environmental Organisms
Chang-Young Yoon, Kyongmi Chon, Jun-Hyoung Bang, Jeong-Hyun Lim, Jin-A Oh, Bala Murali Krishna Vasamsetti, Joung-Sup Choi, Young-Sook Kim